Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Stocking and a Swift

I finished the second stocking!

Only three four more to go!

And here's what a yarn swift and ball winder does. I know you were all dying to know.

It turns the twisted hank (blue) into a neatly wound, ready to knit from ball(yellow). Well, it's not really a ball. It's more like a cake. Whatever, you get the idea!

I think the boys love my birthday gift as much as I do. They couldn't wait to try it out.

Oh, and the blue and yellow yarn are for Jonathan's stocking. That's going to be pretty!

1 comment:

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Wow..that thing looks kinda complicated or like some ancient torture device?!! Glad it makes for an easier job though! Better go stock up on some more pink yarn :-)

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