Jonathan and Benjamin had their first soccer games last weekend. I missed most of Jonathan's game due to a meeting at church. I'm thinking I should maybe just stay away from his games because they actually won! At one point they were up 4-0! (Last season they mostly got creamed every single game. Painful to watch.) It ended up 4-3. They were happy boys.
Benjamin's game didn't go as well. They got blown out 0-8. It wasn't pretty. In their defense, though, they played a team a year older.
Zachary has decided his refereeing days are over. And since no one else signed up, Greg got to ref both games. And then he came home and ran 5 miles. What has gotten into this guy?
Tonight we will celebrate Jonathan's birthday with a few friends at Itz, a pizza buffet & games place.
Tomorrow Zachary and Jonathan will spend the afternoon and evening with their homeschool band - 2 hour rehearsal, pizza and games, and then a concert. They are both playing solos at the concert as well.
And finally, this
is what greeted me when I braved the cold wind this morning to check on the dogs. I guess spring is coming, but not before a wild, windy, weird weather March. I'm definitely ready for some warmer temperatures.
That's all I've got for now.

Thank you for the update, Robin! The flowers are great! Too bad you all don't live here...Zachary could work at Six Flags! :)
Have a wonderful rest of week!
Love the flowers!
I posted a video this morning of the birds singing...check it out!
I wish we could be at the concert tonight...guess we'll be there vicariously through the boys. And I am SO glad the week is nearly done.
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