Monday, September 13, 2010

Yummy Yarn

This yarn arrived in the mail a couple days ago.

I'm in love. So soft and yummy! I've been drooling over this yarn and all the beautiful colorways it comes in for months. Seriously - go look! It was hard to pick, but in the end I had to go with my favorite color combo pink and chocolate.

I think it will be turned in to these socks soon.

As soon as I finish the baby blanket I started weeks ago and the blanket I started two days ago. Or as soon as it gets cold enough to wear them!


Kristal said...

Love the yarn and the socks! I have knit myself one pair of socks. I do love them, but I don't like the time it takes me to knit them.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I have never heard of anyone every being that excited about yarn. :) Kind of made me giggle! MR

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