Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm excited!

Today I'm excited because:

1. I might get to meet a missionary named Amy. Thanks to my cousin Stephanie's blog, I just found out I'm related to Amy. Stephanie, Amy, and I have the same great grandparents. Amy and her family run an orphanage in Zambia, Africa. She blogs about their adventures at Amy's Assorted Adventures. And she's coming to the U.S. later this week for a fundraising trip. Stephanie, my sister Renee and I are trying to work it out so we can meet her. How cool would that be?!

2. The UPS man brought me this today. It's my birthday present from Greg a few days late. Any guesses as to what it might be?

If you're a knitter you probably know, if you're not a knitter you probably don't care. So let's just say there will be much less tangled yarn in my future.

3. I mailed our adoption application!

What are you excited about?


Catherine said...

The yarn balling thingy (I don't know the real name for it) is really cool!! I sometimes buy yarn at a store that uses one to ball up my yarn for me before I leave. Otherwise, I get to wind yarn while watching TV or DVDs.

Congratulations on your adoption odyssey!! I hope you love parenting a girl as much as I am. Of course, some days the hormones get a little crazy, but I love her tons none the less!!

Anonymous said...

What a great birthday gift! So many times I longed for one!

Stefunkc said...

I can't wait to make all this happen!

Angela said...

So excited for you with the adoption thing! LMK how that goes because it's something that has always been in my heart to do too!

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