Monday, April 05, 2010


Easter was a little different for us this year.

We went to church on Saturday night after a soccer game. We were a little windblown. The service was great. We always need to be reminded of what Easter is really all about - JESUS!

Zachary worked the kids' service sound booth for all three Sunday services and I took care of 1 year olds (most of whom cried for the entire hour!) for the last service.

Then we came home to a roast that Greg fixed for lunch. Yum!

Instead of spending money on Easter baskets and chocolate bunnies, we had a family night out. We went to see the movie How to Train Your Dragon (really good!) and got ice cream at Coldstone. Then we browsed a bookstore and finished up our day watching The Amazing Race.

The only photos I took were these and they aren't very good. I'm going to have to make my boys dress up soon so I can get some decent pics!


Adoption update

We've decided to go with just adoption, even if that means an older child.

We have our first appointment with a social worker tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Stefunkc said...

I'm praying for you all. What an amazing journey you're starting on!

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