Thursday, May 06, 2010


Galloping Grace Youth Ranch is open again for the season. We got to visit yesterday.

Galloping Grace isn't just about riding. Each visit also includes a work project. Jon and Ben got to scoop poop. Zach helped dig out a fence they are taking down.

New this year is the gratitude station, where the kids make thank you cards for the businesses and people who support the ranch. Sorry no pics of that, but my boys did make cards.

Then they got to ride. They all did so well, and remembered most of what they learned last year.

They all love riding. Zach said to make sure we schedule our riding appointments around his work schedule. He doesn't want to miss out.

When they were all done riding. Max took the time to give them a roping lesson.

The boys can't wait until we go again.

1 comment:

The Wades said...

Max just appreciated this post so much. Your boys are becoming wonderful men.

Love how you did the pics.

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