Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Two Zoo Trips

We went to the zoo Saturday night for a symphony concert. The weather was perfect, the music was great, and there were Storm Troopers. Doesn't get much better than that.

We got there early enough to stake out a decent spot on the grass.

Our zoo has a beautiful band shell.

Love this pic of toothless Ben enjoying his strawberry ice cream cone.

The concert was movie themes, so of course they played Star Wars. And of course they had a few Storm Troopers to make sure it was played well.


We went to the zoo again yesterday with my friends (who also homeschool) Ashlee and Donna and their kids. It was sort of an end of the year field trip/fun day. I told the boys I wasn't taking any pictures of animals - only kids - I have enough animal pictures.

But then this adorable little elephant put on a show for us. Had to take his picture.

And the kids got to feed a giraffe. Had to take a picture of that.

Then this little chimp was entertaining us. Needed a pic of that.

Oh well, I did take kid pics too!


Anonymous said...

LOL on not taking any pictures of animals!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

How fun! Wish I had known about the zoo concert! Another friend posted pictures of the storm troopers on FB but I didn' t know where the concert had been! How fun....good pictures of the animals/kids too!

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