Thursday, June 29, 2006

Family Reunion

The next part of our vacation was a family reunion in Dallas, TX. When we drove up to the hotel we knew we were in for a great time when we saw part of the hotel was burned out. Apparently they were renovating that section when a fire broke out. That was a few days before we arrived. Anyway, the hotel wasn't great, but the reunion was. Most of us were there for dinner Friday night. Then we all went to the Dallas World Aquarium Saturday afternoon. We had a nice dinner catered at the hotel Sat. night. My aunt had put together a slide show that was great with pictures of all of us through the years. Then we had a mini talent show. Zachary played his saxophone, my sister Renee's kids did a skit written by Sarah (it was great!), and Adrianne (my other sister) and her oldest daughter did some magic tricks. We all went to breakfast Sunday morning and everyone scattered after that. It was great for all of us to be together. I hadn't seen Adrianne or my parents in 2 years! Looks like I might be planning the next reunion. Renee, my aunt Anita, and I were talking and we might be trying for Ruidoso, NM in two years. Here's some family pics!

My grandma with her Grandkids
My cousins Laruen and Ian, Adrianne, me, Renee, Grandma

With our spouses

My parents' grandkids
Bottom row: Adrianne's Shanda & Esther, Renee's Lauren
Top row: Renee's Sarah, Zachary, Benjamin, Renee's Christopher, Jonathan, Renee's Stephen

Me and my sisters with my parents


All the great grandkids at the Aquarium

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