Sunday, July 23, 2006

Greg and I were on the news a couple of weeks ago. We happened to be outside when a reporter was looking for someone to interview about boundaries for the new high school here. There is some video of Jonathan and Benjamin playing as well. Zachary was inside when this was going on. Jonathan went and told him and he peeked out but did not want to be on camera. I just found the link to the video on our neighborhood website. Probably as close to famous as I'll ever get!

VBS at our church starts tonight. Zachary and I are working in crafts. It goes through Thursday night. Then Friday morning the boys and I are driving to my mom's (Wichita Falls) and then on to Houston Saturday to spend a few days with my sister. I am really looking forward to the trip. Zachary and I are going to get to see the Lion King musical while we are there. That is going to be awesome. I'll post again when we get back.

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