Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Knitting News

Ok, I haven't written about knitting in a while. I am still knitting all the time and loving it. Here are a couple pics of what I've been working on lately. The first is an afgan I started with some leftover yarn. I've got a ways to go on that! The other is a "tiny purse". I did that just for fun from an email I got. It still needs a button. I did finish the poncho I was making - just never took a picture of it. It turned out very nice.

My BIG knitting news is that I'm going to teach a knitting class. I had several friends asking if I would teach them to knit. So I decided to organize a class. I have 6 people signed up. The first class is September 7 here at my house. I'm very excited. I hope I'll be a good teacher.

Homeschooling is going well. We are all getting the hang of the work and schedule. Zachary started band yesterday. He is in the advanced band this year and it should be more of a challenge for him. Greg and Jonathan are working on drums. Jonathan is picking it up pretty quickly. Benjamin will start preschool in 2 weeks. We have parent night this evening, so we'll get to meet his teacher and see his classroom. At this point, he's not so sure he wants to go, but he has a friend who will be in the same class. So I think he will be ok.

Jonathan and I made cupcakes (from scratch!) earlier. We need to go make frosting. Yum!

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