Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Up the mountain

Greg and Zachary took our pastor up the La Luz trail to the top of Sandia Mountain yesterday. Greg has done this many times, but it was Zachary's 2nd time. The first was when he was 10 and he complained most of the way! It took them about 5 hours and then they rode the tram down. Greg said Zachary did great.


The Reed Family said...

What in the world?! Pastor Johnson! Wow! I am impressed and I think that is very sweet that you did that! Good job Greggor and Zachary! Did you have to take Pastor Johnson to the ER after! :)

Sandi said...

I am catching up with my favorite blogs, finally! My have you had some adventures lately. Broken arms, mountain climbing, and soccer games. Have a great week! :-D

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