Saturday, August 09, 2008

Fingerless gloves

So I bought 3 skeins of this pink wool yarn last year and still have almost 2 skeins left. What to do with it? I decided to make these fingerless gloves to wear with the hat I made last winter. I finished the first one today. I think I'm going to love wearing these this winter because my hands are always cold. I'll still have plenty of yarn left. Anyone else like pink? Now I'm off to start the second one while I watch the Olympics!

The pattern is on Ravelry. You have to be a member to see it. But here's a link.


Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

They look great! how long did it take you to make a pair? I wonder if youcould figure out someway to make them for a band fundraiser...we all know how hard it is to play an instrument with cold hands. The girls may all go for pair of pink fingerless gloves and then a portion could go to the band? It may take you way more time then you could ever be paid for, but just a thought!

Stefunkc said...

So cute! I love the new look of your blog. One question, is there no more violining in your life??

The Reed Family said...

Your fingers would freeze off in New England! Don't your fingers get cold? They are very least you could march in a parade and play your flute at the same time! :) I remember those days, perfectly good white gloves and we had to cute the fingers out to play!

Anonymous said...

I love those fingerless gloves. Where did you get the pattern? I'd love to knit a pair for myself.

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