Here is what it looked like the day I left.

I was a little worried about getting out of here, but apparently it was only snowing at my house. The airport was fine and Renee and I both got to California with no delays.
Unfortunately, Renee also got there with no suitcase! It was delivered to our hotel the next day. Thankfully, she had her toothbrush and makeup in her carry-on.
I won't bore you with all the details of our trip, but we did see Mickey.

I bought myself a Disney dressed Build-a-Bear at Downtown Disney. Yes, I'm almost 40 and yes, I still love Teddy Bears (and I've always wanted Build-a-Bear). Don't judge me!

I saw my friend Lori's sister who lives in Southern California and just happed to be at California Adventure on Sunday. I got to meet her little boy who refused to be photographed.

And we had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe with a friend from college - thanks to Facebook!

Our favorite rides were California Screamin', The Tower of Terror, and Indiana Jones Adventure. Oh and Toy Story Midway Mania was so fun! The Aladdin musical show at California Adventure was awesome!
And now my kids are begging to go. I shouldn't have told them how much fun we had.
But I think I might be getting too old for Disneyland. After three days of a lot of walking, we could barely move we were so sore! We're thinking for our next trip we should go lay on a beach somewhere.

I certainly don't judge you with your Build A Bear. My family got me a Minnie Mouse for my birthday. What does THAT tell ya?
Glad you had fun with your sister and friends.
Looks like you guys had fun! Can't believe you ran in to L's sister!
So glad you were able to enjoy the wasn't your grandma on the agenda somewhere or am i putting two different stories together? memory isn't what it used to be! I may feel like an idiot for asking that question...hmmm..I'll wait and let you tell me that......
Love the pics, I'm glad y'all had such a great time! I love your bear!
Thanks for sharing the pics from CA. Love it there!
Next time go to Naples,'s just beautiful there and so peaceful!
I was having Robin blog didn't really give an update since the On My Camera and I had to wait until you got back from your California trip. I can't take such long inbetween updates. :)
(Guess who? you don't know) MR
You went to Disney without the kids? I love it!
I was just laughing about you buying yourself a bear. I have a friend who just bough herself and American Girl doll. Since she has three boys, she's never been able to justify buying one. Yesterday at the Superbowl party we attended, she couldn't hold out any longer. She and two other friends were in the office bidding on American Girl dolls and outfits. Too funny.
BTW, I really like that picture of your boys with the snowman. Cute stuff.
You two are so cute!! I guess I'm glad I didn't go on that trip....but if a beach trip really is in the plans for next time...let me know! :c)
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