Monday, May 03, 2010

Random Thoughts

I'm really wishing I was in Texas right now with my sisters and my cousin Stephanie who are meeting another cousin, Amy (who runs an orphanage in Africa), for the first time. I was hoping to be there, but the details of the meet-up weren't known until just a few days ago. And flying without 7 days notice is very expensive.

I'm thinking about and praying for my friend Cari. Her mom is having surgery today for what might be ovarian cancer.

We had our first PRIDE foster/adoption training class last Saturday. We learned a lot. Adopting a child from foster care is not going to be easy. These kids have been through a lot. But Greg and I are committed to this process and to loving a little girl or two no matter what it takes.

Zachary is doing well in his job at Chick-fil-A. He's getting good at cleaning tables and taking out the trash! AndKristen, he has learned how to make sweet tea! He also starts something else new this weekend. He will be working in the sound booth in the main service at church. (He's been doing children's church sound for the last year.) Our church has all the lastest and greatest sound equipment. Sound/audio engineering is what he wants to do for a career, so he's excited about what he'll be learning.

Jonathan has started serving at church too. He's helping in the 3 year old class. It's neat to see him maturing and growing into a young man who wants to serve others.

Benjamin doesn't want to play piano anymore. Well, at least he doesn't want to practice today. But I tell him the same thing my parents told me - "I'm not letting you quit and one day you'll thank me". He's actually doing very well. I love listening to him practice. He has a recital in a few weeks. He says he's not doing it. I'm still not sure how we are going to convince him to do it.

I started knitting a new baby blanket for a great nephew due in July. It's mitered squares that will have to be sewn together. Not sure what I was thinking - I don't like sewing. But the picture looks cool. Hope it turns out.

That's enough for today. I need to go fold laundry. And knit.


The Wades said...

Max would appreciate Zach's sweet tea skills.

Thanks for serving at church.

Go, Ben. Wish I knew how to play piano.

Can't wait to meet your new baby girl.

Orphanage work sounds incredible.

You are a knitting maniac. Man, you're full of skills. I am so not crafty!

Regina said...

could you have zach mail me some nuggets? i love chick-fil-a but they dont have them in the pac nw (so so so sad!!)
cant wait to see the blanket!

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