Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Adoption Update

I have written much about our adoption lately - because there isn't much to tell. Our homestudy is finished and our social worker is recommending us for approval. Greg had his physical this morning which was the last thing that needed to be done. Our file will be submitted to CYFD (state agency) this week. We are leaving on vacation next week, so we probably won't hear anything until we get back. Once the state approves us, we'll be waiting for a match. We really don't have any idea how long that will take. We continue to trust God for every step.

1 comment:

Allie Z said...

What a great story you will have! I just stumbled onto your blog (maybe from a comment left on FiveJs?). You have such a nice family!

Where are you guys located? My coworker recently adopted a family of 4 girls (wow!), and my friend back home (Carlsbad, CA) just adopted a sweet baby boy. I follow Mary at and wow! what an amazing testament to Christ and adoption!


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