Monday, June 05, 2006

Happy Monday!

Ah man, I lost. Jonathan just beat me in Mario Cart Racing. That kid is good at video games!

Well, Zachary left for camp this morning. Hope he has fun! Greg's parents will actually be there most of the week too. They got a call yesterday afternoon from the directors asking (maybe some begging!) for help. It is a brand new camp and the kitchen didn't get finished - no permit, so they can't cook. The plan now is to cater from Ruidoso, but the people they hired to cook wouldn't do it. So Greg's parents will be bringing the food in and organize the serving. They really are saving the day. Mom said she was glad to be able to do something besides stare at the calendar. They are anxious to get back to Virginia, but have cataract surgery and doctors appointments before they can leave. They will come back Wed. night as they have their surgeries Thursday morning. But I think they will be going back to help with more camps for rest of June.

Jonathan and Benjamin have VBS tonight. Greg and I are taking them swimming after lunch. Greg has been shampooing the carpet this morning so we need get out of here and let it dry a while.

Have a happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I came to your page thru DaisyMae.............I am your new heartbeat partner, I hope to get to talk to you soon and I hope you have a great day!!!

Nice to meet you and God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Hi, again. I hope VBS went well and I hope your son is having a great time at camp!!! It is so wonderful that your parents are helping the camp as they are.....GOd Bless and I hope you have a great day!!!!

Your HeartBeat Partner!!

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