Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I just wanted to brag on Zachary a little. High school, so far, is going great! He is the saxophone section leader in band. In his health class, he was asked to help a student from Afganistan who barely speaks English. And his English teacher has already asked him why he's not in Honors English (I didn't want him overwhelmed his first year back in school). He thinks H.S. is a breeze. I told him I'll check back with him on that in a few weeks!


Kristen said...

Yeah, Zach (dropped the 'ary' for h.s., huh?)

I hope it's the best experience of his life so far!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Sounds like you have taught him well. I'm glad he is having a good time...so far :-)!! Hope band is going well too. Have a good weekend

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