Saturday, November 22, 2008


I'm sure you've all been worried, so I thought I'd better give you an update. The dryer is still alive!!! Greg made it home from Florida safe and sound yesterday afternoon. Within an hour of his arrival home I had him checking on the ailing machine. He found a dryer sheet in the vent hose. I guess that's not a good thing. So now the dryer is working again and I have way too much laundry piled up!


The Wades said...

Thanks for the posting tip.

You drove by the stand? The house is not finished yet--it's going to get much cuter tomorrow afternoon! :)

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Hi Robin,
Glad it was something so minor. That has happened to me with my vacuum before. gah!

By the way I just noticed you on The Wades site and saw your photo and said, "Aha! Robin from our homeschool band group...ROBIN!! How cool is that!

Do you remember me?
Lisa, the Mom of Jackson who plays Intermediate trombone.

What a small world :)


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