Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Digi-scrapping - not just for scrapbooks

Here's a couple non-scrapbook layouts I've done.

I had this one printed in 11x14 and hung it on the living room wall. These photos make me smile and now I'll see them all the time.

I did these for our soccer teams. We didn't do the ridiculously expensive and inconveniently scheduled team photo sessions offered by the league. Instead my friend Cari, the coach's wife, took the photos after our last games and I made and printed these. $2 instead of $20 and so much cuter!

Happy scrapping!


Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

SO much cuter!! You are so awesome with your digi scrapping stuff......I love the 11x14 you did of you and the kids....LOVE IT! My time is approaching where I MIGHT be able to spend time doing those kind of cool photo things!

Stacy said...

This is great! What a wonderful idea to make them to hang in your home!

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