Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The weekend

Saturday - Benjamin had his first official piano recital.

A few weeks ago, he said he wasn't doing it. His parents said he didn't have a choice! He gets very nervous playing in front of other people (and this would be in the mall with lots of people). But we kept talking about it and he finally decided it he would do it if he could have a Cinnabon afterwards.

He did it! And he did great! He just got up there and played his 3 songs like it was no big deal. We were very proud of him. And he got his Cinnabon!

Sunday - Three families from our small group came over for a barbeque. These three families brought 7, yes 7!, little boys under 6 yrs old. So how do you keep 7 little boys entertained?

With a trampoline

and a row boat.

Well, it used to be a slide. But with a little imagination, it's a row boat!

I was so proud of my boys. They weren't thrilled that there wouldn't be anyone their ages, but we talked about being a servant and loving whoever is in our home. They kept the boys entertained so their parents could enjoy some adult fellowship. And my boys - actually had fun.

Monday - Our social worker stopped by one last time to check on a couple more home safety things. She will be writing our homestudy later this week. It's looking like we might be approved by the end of June.

1 comment:

The Wades said...

How could they NOT approve you?!! I bet that social worker is running to approve you guys.

Cute rowboating.

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