Saturday, September 15, 2007

Joy Lynn

My friend's baby girl (the preemie) passed away last night. They are not sure why she died. Her vitals were strong through the afternoon and evening and then she suddenly started having problems. They worked on her for a while, but there was nothing they could do.

I was at women's conference with speaker Lisa Whelchel when I got the message. My friend Denise and I went straight to the hospital. Tiffany was holding her sweet baby. It was heartbreaking. Please pray for Danny and Tiffany and grandparents Charlie and Cheri.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Oh how sad, we will keep Tiffany and her family in our prayers.

Too bad you had to leave the conference, I love Lisa Whelchel, but understandable when friends are in need comfort and prayers.

Blessings, Sandi

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